Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Guess Who? (Round One)

While at Gospel Music Week in Nashville a few weeks back, I had the opportunity to meet and interview some artists. How well do you think you know your favorite artists? Now's your chance to find out! Email me at music-arrowhead@stny.rr.com with your answers to the following quiz. Put "Guess Who? (Round One)" as your subject line, and I'll notify the first respondent with the correct answers, and have them come in and select a FREE CD of their choosing! (Certain restrictions apply, blah, blah)

So here we go:

Match the artist on the left with the food on the right.
I asked them to identify a food they like that most people don't.

1) Jonny Diaz A) Frank's Hot Sauce by the spoonful
2) 1000 Generation's Steve Potaczek B) PB&J & Cheese Sandwiches
3) Justin Unger C) Quiche

Match the artist of the left with the movie on the right.
I asked them to tell us the last great movie they've seen.

4) Pocket Full of Rocks' Michael Farren D) "Boy in the Striped Pajamas"
5) Katie Giguere E) "Last Chance Harvey"
6) Jason Gray F) the documentary "Man on a Wire"

Somebody's going to win a free CD- why not you? So email me with your best guesses on questions 1-6. And while you're at it, tell me your answers to the two questions above. For me, it would be guacamole and "The Island on Bird Street". Let the games begin. Peace. -Mike

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