Monday, June 1, 2009

New Releases for 6/2/09!

Can you believe its June already?! Where is 2009 going in such a hurry?

Tomorrow has a couple of great new releases:
Emery's "In Shallow Seas We Sail" -their fourth album- is a marvelous return to passionate form for these masters of Christian emo-core. With 14 tracks coming in right under 3/4 of an hour, you'll get a lot of musical goodness for your $13.99!

Some are familiar with the vocal prowess of Christy Nockels from her work with Passion and for her time with husband/producer extraordinaire Nathan Nockels in the duo known as Watermark. If you fall into this group, it probably won't take much to convince you to sample this noteworthy offering. If you've never heard of Christy before, tomorrow's solo debut, "Life Light Up" is a worship-driven tour de force. If you feel guilty getting 11 great songs for $7.99, you probably should- inspo radio has never been so inundated with great content. Christy's gutsy and emotive vocal deliveries have made her a perennial member of my personal Top 3 female vocalists list since Watermark first arrived on the scene, and she has never, EVER sounded better. If you miss this expectation-defying album, God will forgive you, but you may not forgive yourself!

Also hitting tomorrow is a best-of collection from the incomparable Nicole C Mullen, with a ridiculous 20-songs for only $13.99! If you've listened to Christian music at all in the last decade, you probably know her song, "Redeemer", arguably one of the most awe-inspiring ballads ever penned- if this song don't move you, betta check your pulse, baby! :) Nicole is an artist of incredible stylistic range and contagious devotion to her God. There are few artists in our industry that could legitimately boast a 20-song best-of without padding and cheating a bit, but Ms Mullen is just such a rarity. If you've never purchased a Nicole C Mullen CD before, this is a great way to remedy that grievous oversight, and gain some infectious summertime grooves to send your spirit soaring.

Peace! -Mike & the Crew @ Arrowhead Parable Music

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