Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Summertime Reads

Yes, I do know that this primarily a music-themed blog, but sometimes I just can't help myself- I like to read, too! :) So, if you enjoy reading as well as jamming, here are a few recommendations:

1) www.tenthavenuenorth.com, journal entries by Mike Donehey: Mike is the lead singer for Dove New Artist of the Year winning band, Tenth Avenue North. But don't let his tender years or tween-heart throb looks throw you, this young man is a deep thinker and a passionate lover of his God. While I likely have sneakers under my bed that have more mileage on them than does young Donehey, he is a compelling communicator, whether in song, between songs or on the printed page. Great stuff!

2) Andrew Peterson, The Wingfeather Saga: It's been a long wait since Book One, "On The Edge of The Dark Sea of Darkness", released in March 2008. Peterson, another songwriter who is as proficient with the words as he is with the song, dazzled me completely with this enchanting foray into fantasy. Following the adventures of the three young Igiby siblings -Janner, Tink and Leeli-, The Wingfeather Saga is a addictively page-turning romp through a land of oppression, innocence, adventure and whimsy. My kids and I read it together, a chapter a night being the intended plan, are found ourselves frequently in trouble with momma, who frequently found bedtime twarted by pleas of "One more chapter- PLEASE!!!" (and then the kids would get started!). Book Two, "North! or be eaten", is slated to release at the end of August.

3) Robin Parrish, "Offworld": I'm in the final chapters of this wonderful book, written by former CCM journalist turned white-knuckle inducing novelist Robin Parrish. The book is a thoughtful blend of summer blockbuster-esque action sequences, likeable characters and a mysterious underpinning that keeps the whole thing moving along quite nicely. This has been an excellent read, and I'll be sorry to see it come to an end. For a tease, visit www.somethingiswrongwiththeworld.com

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